
公開声明: 中国若手フェミニスト活動家の速やかな釈放を求めます


中華人民共和国国家主席 中華人民共和国共産党総書記 習近平様
中華人民共和国駐日本大使館特命全権大使 程永華様
中華人民共和国公安部部長 郭声琨様
北京市公安局局長 王小洪様
北京市人民検察院検察長 池強様





国連組織、各国政府、そして市民社会は北京+20をグローバルに祝うとともに、いまだに達成されていない課題を実現するためのコミットメントを新たにしています。中国でも9月にUN Womenとの共催でグローバル女性フォーラムが開かれますが、北京+20のコミットメントを実現するためには、拘留されている女性たちのような草の根の力が必要です。ジェンダー平等は、政府と市民社会との対話と協力がなければ達成できないのです。フェミニスト活動家たちを解放し、グローバルな目標達成に向けた中国の役割に対する世界の期待に応えてください。

〒150-0031 東京都渋谷区桜丘町14-10 渋谷コープ211
TEL:03-3780-5245 FAX:03-3463-9752

アクティブ・ミュージアム 女たちの戦争と平和資料館(wam)
ウィメンズ アクション ネットワーク







Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the President of the People’s Republic of China
Cheng Yonghua, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Japan
Guo Shengkun, the Minister of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China
Wang Xiaohong, the Director of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau
Chi Qiang, the Chief Procurator of Beijing People’s Procuratorate

Statement: Call for immediate release of five young feminist activists from detentions

We, the Asia-Japan Women Resource Center (AJWRC), a Tokyo-based NGO working for gender equality and gender justice, have been in solidarity with grassroots women’s movements in Asia and all over the world. On March 6th and 7th, just before International Women’s Day, five young feminist activists (Li Tingting, Zheng Churan, Wu Rongrong, Wang Man and Wei Tingting) in Beijing, Guangzhou and Hangzhou, China were detained for planning a campaign against sexual harassment on public buses. We are shocked to hear this news and we are gravely concerned about the effects of detention on their safety, health and wellbeing.
The maximum period of detention in China is 37 days and they are scheduled to reach the end of this period on the upcoming 12th of April. Their release cannot wait.
We call for the immediate release of these five feminist activists.

These five young feminist activists have played important roles in addressing many important challenges in China and internationally, including the rights of sexual minorities, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, discrimination against people with diseases and disabilities, labor rights and safety, and the poverty of women and children. Many of these challenges are universal and they have continued to learn, create actions and write appeals to Chinese society, calling for people around the world to work together and act for change. Their campaigns always focused on making China better for the people within it, geared towards global justice; they never aimed to “pick quarrels and provoke troubles”. Their activities for gender equality and women’s human rights have greatly encouraged other women working on similar issues and have sparked much interest and many sympathies towards their goals.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China. The Beijing Platform for Action, adopted at this conference 20 years ago, was a major turning point in the history of women and men in China. It set out strategic objectives and actions around women and poverty, education, training, health, and violence against women as well as many other areas. Under the Beijing Platform for Action, governments and NGOs all around the world have continued their efforts to achieve gender equality and gender justice and to protect women’s human rights. The detained five young feminists grew up in such progress of efforts and certainly will form a solid foundation for the future processes in attaining gender equality.

This year the United Nations, the governments, and civil society are celebrating the Beijing +20 and reaffirming their commitments to work on its unachieved objectives. China will also co-host the Global Leaders’ Commitment Forum on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment with UN Women this September. Achieving the commitments of the Beijing +20 cannot be done without grassroots action and requires the participation of feminist activists, like Li Tingting, Zheng Churan, Wu Rongrong, Wang Man and Wei Tingting. Gender equality cannot be achieved without dialogue and partnership among governments and civil society groups. The international community expects China to fulfill their role in achieving the global goal of gender equality. Therefore, we call on the Chinese government to release these five feminist activists immediately and to respond to the expectations of the World.

April 8th, 2015

Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Center


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・尚、メールタイトルは、「公開声明: 中国若手フェミニスト活動家の速やかな釈放を求めます」としてください。
・賛同〆切: 4月11日(土)
・E-mail: ajwrc.shomei(あっと)gmail.com

【緊急アクション!!】(4/12) 中国でのフェミニスト活動家の拘束に対する緊急抗議行動