
【English Ver.】Urgent Statement Protesting Sexual Violence and Information Cover-Up by US Forces in Okinawa


Urgent Statement Protesting Sexual Violence and Information Cover-Up by US Forces in Okinawa


July 2, 2024

In December 2023, a US Air Force captain in Okinawa assaulted a local girl. In March 2024, the press revealed that the Naha District Public Prosecutor’s Office had indicted him on charges that included sexual assault. Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was aware of this incident by March 27, 2024, with the filing of the indictment, the Ministry did not share relevant information with the Okinawa Prefectural Government until June 25, 2024. This can only be considered a willful withholding of information to avoid this becoming an issue in the June 17 Okinawa Prefectural Assembly election and to avoid influencing the June 23 Okinawa War Memorial Ceremony, which was attended by the Prime Minister and US military personnel. Additionally, while there have there have been many other incidents of sexual violence by US soldiers in addition to this current assault, we have seen a corresponding trend in which the police seem to be increasingly reluctant to release information.


We strongly protest the US military and the Japanese government for allowing sexual violence by US military personnel to occur again and again. We also strongly protest the concealment of information by the Japanese government, in particular the use of “victims’ privacy” as a pretext for such concealment. Not only is it possible to share information with local governments and citizens while respecting victims’ privacy, this sharing of information is essential in order to eradicate all forms of sexual and gender-based violence.


Among the various human rights violations brought about by US military bases, sexual violence has continued to be rendered invisible because of stigma against the victims and a judicial system that makes light of sexual violence. It is unacceptable for the government to weaponize “victims’ privacy” as a shield to conceal necessary information. It counters all the efforts of Okinawan feminist organizations that have been uncovering the obscured damages and the efforts of many people who have been working for a justice system that protects the rights of all victims of sexual violence. We demand an investigation that clarifies why there was a delay in the relaying of information to Okinawa Prefecture and also what is behind the larger trend of police nondisclosure related to such incidents not only in Okinawa Prefecture but in all areas in which military bases are located.

The Government of Japan today actively promotes “Women, Peace, and Security” Agenda based on UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Equal participation of women in decision-making related to peace and security is at the core of this resolution, and requires a transparent and democratic decision-making process. We recognize that military state security up until now has been built upon gender-based discrimination, violence, and colonialism. We demand that peace and security decision-making reflect the voices of citizens, particularly those of citizens most directly affected.

We strongly protest the US and Japanese governments’ prioritization of national security, which has led to the obfuscation, dismissal, and toleration of sexual and gender-based violence by military personnel. We stand in solidarity with the people of Okinawa who do not tolerate any kind of sexual violence and fight against the imposition of military bases.

